Jennie Sjursen 0:00
December is traditionally the month of joy and celebration. Join me on the inside and hear what I'm celebrating this month.
Jennie Sjursen 0:10
I'm Jenny Sjursen. X special educator turned dyslexia interventionist. It wasn't so long ago that I too, was overwhelmed by balanced literacy versus structured literacy, education speak, and everything in between.
Jennie Sjursen 0:23
Fast forward after many, many hours of self driven education. And you'll see I've built a thriving dyslexia practice helping students from ages six to 18. My specialties, working with a quote unquote difficult almost always to eat student, and breaking down the complexities of dyslexic to everyday language strategies and action steps.
Jennie Sjursen 0:48
Hi, all this month, I'm doing something a little different. I'm opening the doors wide open, sharing my why, and doing a little celebrating. As many of you know, my dad, a dyslexic himself is a driving force and inspiration behind literacy untangled whenever I see him. He asked me two things are your students learning? And how can you help more people?
Jennie Sjursen 1:14
I'm happy to report yes, my students are learning I am so very proud of them. And more importantly, they should be proud of themselves. I've been less successful with the second ask, I have tried and I have tried. Over the past few years, I filled my schedule, and filled some more than added in a few more sessions.
Jennie Sjursen 1:36
And at one point I was doing 42, one on one clinical hour sessions a week. That's not including lesson planning, admin work and life. This was totally not sustainable. I was burning out and burning out hard. I needed to get a better handle on my schedule and rethink how he's gonna help more people.
Jennie Sjursen 2:00
So I sat with that, and I thought about it. And I asked myself, what questions from parents to I get asked the most. And I realized they tended to fall into two categories. The first, could my child be dyslexic? And the second, how do I get my child identified with dyslexia and manage the IEP process?
Jennie Sjursen 2:22
So I kept thinking, and I kept thinking, and then I came up with two solutions. The first one is discovering dyslexia, a five day exploration, and this is for parents who know their child struggling to read, but aren't sure if it might be dyslexia or not. So each day of these five days, we're going to look at a different aspect involved in reading, and I'm going to give you action steps and signs to look out for that might point to being dyslexic.
Jennie Sjursen 2:51
My second solution is untangling dyslexia, from identification to IEP. This is for the parents are pretty sure their child has dyslexia. And they want to get the ball rolling on getting their child identified and an IEP in place, but don't know where to start. Because there are so much information and moving parts you need to take into account during this process. And I didn't want to completely overwhelm everyone with a firehose of information. untangling dyslexia is a nine week course. This course is meaty, it's thick, and I have poured all of my knowledge and heart into it.
Jennie Sjursen 3:28
So now we get to the celebration part. This has been an almost two year labor of love. I have learned so many new things along the way. I've reached my Sally Fields anxiety moment, where I hope and a few weeks to be saying you like it you really really like it. I'm so there right now.
Jennie Sjursen 3:49
So both discovering dyslexia and untangling dyslexia are rolling out in the next few weeks. Register registration for discovering dyslexia will go live on December 17. And registration for untangling dyslexia goes live on January 1. I honestly believe these two programs are the solutions you are looking for. When you're starting your family's journey and you want to start on the right foot. I hope to see you and get to know each of you better in the upcoming months.
Jennie Sjursen 4:17
Thank you so much for letting me share and for letting me celebrate a little too. In the meantime, if you have any further questions about dyslexia, please feel free to sneak into my inbox. I'd also love your input. What would you like to hear from me in the future? Is there a topic I haven't covered yet? You really want to learn more about or do you have a pressing need and you're not really sure how to handle it or move forward? Send me a DM on Instagram. Or drop me an email at Jenny at literacy That's J e n n i e at literacy Can't wait to hear from you. Bye bye.
Jennie Sjursen 4:57
I hope you enjoyed this episode of Literacy Untangled. If you love this episode as much as I did, head on over and rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. If you want to continue the conversation or share your takeaways head on over to our Instagram at literacy untangled, and comment on your favorite part. I can't wait to hang out with you again soon. Bye