Jennie Sjursen 0:00
We're a homeschool family, and I suspect my child has dyslexia. But I'm having a horrible time trying to find someone to evaluate them. This is one of the few times I wish we were in the public school system.
Jennie Sjursen 0:13
I'm Jennie Sjursen, ex special educator turned dyslexia interventionist. It wasn't so long ago that I too, was overwhelmed by balance literacy versus structured literacy, education speak, and everything in between. Fast forward after many, many hours of self driven education. And you'll see I've built a thriving dyslexia practice helping students from ages six to 18. My specialties, working with, quote unquote difficult almost always to the student, and breaking down the complexities of dyslexic to everyday language strategies and action steps.
Jennie Sjursen 0:52
I literally just had a similar conversation a couple of days ago, with a parent who called me asking for help, they homeschool and she couldn't find anyone who would test her child for dyslexia and take their health insurance. She then said, and the local school won't do it because we're not in the system. I think I practically jumped down her throat when I said, Oh, yes, they will. It's called Child Find. She responded with, but my child has over five, and I reassured her that didn't matter. Child Find covers kids up to the age of 21. So what is this magical Child Find thing.
Jennie Sjursen 1:31
Child fine is a part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Ida. It is a federal law and puts a huge responsibility on the public school system. Child fine requires each state to develop a statewide system for identifying, locating and evaluating all children with disabilities from birth to 21, who are in need of special education and related services. And here's where the magic comes in.
Jennie Sjursen 2:01
Child Find applies to all kids, not just those in the public school system. This means it also applies to homeschooled and private school students. Not only that child find also applies to students who are migrants homeless or Ward's of the state. When they said each state needs to identify, locate and evaluate all kids from birth through age 21. They meant all kids.
Jennie Sjursen 2:31
Once a child fine referral is made, the school district must respond to a referral from the private school or parent by conducting an evaluation within 60 days, or according to the state imposed deadline. Many states have different time periods for responding, but they cannot exceed the federal time period. For example, in Florida, they have a 30 day timeline to request consent from the parent or legal guardian to begin the evaluation process. The evaluation IEP process is not quick. Once consent has been given, the school district has 60 days to complete the evaluation. In total, that is 90 days. And each state counts days differently. Some don't count holidays and weekends. Others use a calendar 90 days, you're really going to need to check your individual state guidelines and find out how your 90 days are laid out. Either way, it all takes time.
Jennie Sjursen 3:32
Taking advantage of the Child Find regulations provided to all children under IDEA is an excellent option for homeschooled and private school parents who can't afford a private evaluation. Once you decide to go this route, act decisively, the process is long, and each delay takes away from your child receiving the supports and services they need to thrive.
Jennie Sjursen 3:58
Okay, before I go on, I would be remiss if I didn't mention, we hit our one year anniversary. Thank you to each and every one of you for joining me on this ride. I don't think I can adequately express how much your support has meant to me. I am deeply grateful for all of you. And I'm excited to see what your two brings.
Jennie Sjursen 4:22
If you have any further questions about child find, please feel free to sneak into my inbox. We'd also love your input. What would you like to hear from us in the future? Is there a topic we haven't covered yet? You really want to learn more about or do you have a pressing need and you're not really sure how to handle it or move forward? Send us a DM on Instagram or drop us an email at Jenny at literacy That's J E n n i e at literacy We can't wait to hear from you. Until next time.
Jennie Sjursen 4:53
I hope you enjoyed this episode of literacy untangled if you love this episode as much as I can head on over to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. If you want to continue the conversation or share your takeaways, head on over to our Instagram at literacy untangled, and comment on your favorite part. I can't wait to hang out with you again soon. Bye