Ep. 35 7 Ways to Help the Dyslexic in Your Life Find and Give Themselves Grace
Mar 01, 2024
We’ve all heard that pesky little voice in our heads say something like, “Well, you should’ve done XYZ, but you didn’t.” Many dyslexics experience negative self-talk. I know I have! Reminding ourselves to be graceful in these moments, while sometimes easier said than done, is the only way through it. Today, I’m sharing 7 ways that you can help the dyslexic in your life give themselves grace.
- Educate your child on dyslexia and reinforce that their intelligence is not defined by it.
- Keep the lines of communication open. Encourage them to share their struggles and feelings and reinforce that they are supported
- Focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses. Highlight the ways they can do something better than you can!
- Set realistic expectations. This one can be tricky because it's so hard to stop comparing ourselves to others. Try circling back to where they were a year ago and admire the significant progress that they have made.
- Focus on the effort made, not just the results. Trying is way more important than getting something right or wrong.
- Normalize mistakes. They are part of the learning process!
- Model self-compassion.
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Topics Covered:
- Busyness and negative self-talk
- The importance of grace
- 7 ways to support the dyslexic in your life
- Modelling self-compassion
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